Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Icing, Locusts & Life at publisher--It's Catch Up Time

The time has come. My 2nd book, "Icing, Locusts & Life," is now with my publisher. The trauma of writing my own story was more difficult than I anticipated.  So many things to consider. A week or so after finishing my story, wrote an article entitled "How to Write About Your Family… Without Getting Disowned." I had to laugh, because the emotions and thoughts expressed in the article were exactly what I experienced. My book is not all about my family, but, because it is my story, they are certainly a part of it.  Thankfully, it is over, at least for the moment--until the publisher begins sending me change requests and suggestions.

In the meantime, I have a file folder completely filled with writing articles that must be read (to make me a better writer.) I have totally neglected LinkedIn contacts, and have taken scarce notice of Twitter followers (or those I follow myself.)  My social networking sucks right now.  But, the book is completed :)  I found it almost impossible focus on both important activities.

As you can see, we also renovated my website. How does it look?  Give me your feedback. I am excited to now have a great vehicle for sharing my own experiences, as well as experiences, books, and articles from other writers, speakers and special individuals. I'm open to discussing just about any topic. I will comment on news and important updates, and will post regular information on #"The Changing Brain." Not only am I going to share information and perspectives on CAA (cerebral amyloid angiopathy), but I am now joining with the Alzheimer's Association to brings better information and encouragement to patients suffering from brain-related dementia. I would enjoy receiving articles and comments from both patients and the loved ones suffering from the unique hardships they must endure while caring for patients. 

If you would like to be part of the website, just e-mail me. I am looking for guest bloggers to submit articles on just about any topic (well, you know what I mean--not literally "any" topic.) Take a look at my tabs and join me.

I will place other writers' books and articles on the site.  If you are interested in advertising on my site, let me know. Or, if you would participate in any of the tabs, just let me know.

Thanks to my fabulous webmaster, Ben Hassell (Sugar Rock Graphics.)  He is really amazing...and very patient.

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